Vol. 76/ no. 3 (jul.-sept.)



Searching for the Orthodox Identity of the Biblical Studies

Re. Lect. Adrian MURG, PhD


Johannes REIMER

Im Gesprăch evangelisieren


Die „Handreichung zur Seelsorge an Sterbenden und ihren Angehorigen“ der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD) und der Orthodoxen Bischofskonferenz (OBKD)

Cristinel IOJA

St. Maximus the Confessor in the Thinking of the Theologians Dumitru Stăniloae and Hans Urs von Balthasar

Ciprian STREZA

Sein und Leben in Christus – Von der mystischen Prăsenz zum Erleben der Taufgnade -eine philokalische Sichtweise

Remus Mihai FERARU

The Alexandrian Pact of Union between the Imperial Church and the Theodosian Monophysites (633 AD) – the Premise of Monoenergism

Vasile-Doru FER

“For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time for my departure is near” (II Tim 4, 6). The Last Period of the Missionary Activity of the Apostle Paul and the Beginning of Martyrdom


Patristic Perspective of Communication and Communion. The Ontological and Dialogical Relationship between God and the Human Person

Adrian MURG

Epiphany of Christ in the Pastoral Epistles. Worship and Eschatology


André LOSSKY, Goran SEKULOVSKI (éd.), Jeûne et pratiques de repentance: dimension communautaires et liturgiques, coll. Semaines d’études liturgiques Saint-Serge 58, Münster, Aschendorff, 2015, 332 pp.

(Constantin RUS)

Darren SARISKY (ed.), Theologies of Retrieval: An Exploration and Appraisal,  Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017, 320 pp.

(Traian NOJEA)

Dimitrios TSELENGHIDIS, Grace and Freedom in The Patristic Tradition of the 14th Century, translated by Prof. Daniel PUPĂZĂ PhD, Doxologia Publishing House, Iaşi, 2015, 171pp.

(Vasile-Eugen SUCIU)

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