Vol. 97/ nr. 4 (oct.-dec.)


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The Importance of the Liturgical Hymns and the Way of Their Interpretation in the Church

(Rev. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lucian Farcașiu)


Daniele Cogoni

The Trinitarian Ecclesiology of D. Stăniloae Compared to That of J.M.R. Tillard. Its Value for Ecumenical Dialogue – Second Part – 

Daniel Lemeni

Monks and “Others”: Acceptance of Diversity and Ascetic Tolerance

Lucian Farcaşiu

The Theology of the Church through Liturgical Hymnography and Theological and Spiritual Aspects of Psalmody

Maximilian Pal

The Contribution of the Cappadocian Fathers to the Formulation of the Trinitarian Doctrine

Teofan Mada

The Martyrdom: An Important Aspect of Early Christian Eschatology 

Liviu Vidican-Manci

Prédication orthodoxe roumaine en ligne: entre l’offre de moteurs de recherche et la sélection éclairée

Casian Ruşeţ

The Resources of the Christian Mission – Brief Theological Reflections in a Postmodern Context

Rafael Povîrnaru

The Archetypal Love of the Holy Trinity and the Communion with Her, according to Father Dumitru Stăniloae’s Vision

Mădălin-Ștefan Petre

The Struggle between Postmodern Deism and the Eschatological Tension of the Church


Rev. Prof. Dr. Viorel Sava, Slujirea sacerdotală în context contemporan. Studii de teologie liturgică şi pastorală (Priestly Service in a Contemporary Context. Studies of Liturgical and Pastoral Theology), Crimca Publishing House, Suceava, 2023, 384 pp. 

(Rev. Dr. Lucian Farcașiu)

Bernadin Duma, Personalismul comunitar la Emmanuel Mounier. Un alt mod de a gândi despre persoană (Communitarian personalism of Emmanuel Mounier: Another Way of Thinking about the Person), Serafica Publishing House, Roman, 2023, 378 pp.

(Rev. Dr. Maximilian Pal)

Vasileios Thermos, Stephen Muse, Cuvinte în Duhul. Perspective pastorale despre Taina Spovedaniei (Words into Spirit: Pastoral Perspectives on Confession), translated by Valentin Radu Trandafir, Doxologia Publishing House, Iași, 2021, 384 pp.

(Archm. Dr. Casian Ruşeţ)


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