Vol. 72/ no. 3 (july-sept.)



Patriarch Justinian Marina (1901-1977) – A Providential Personality of the Romanian Orthodoxy

Rev. Prof. Ioan Tulcan, PdD.


HE Emilian Crișanul, Vicar Bishop of the Diocese of Arad

Faith and Theological Knowledge in the Book Acts of the Apostles

Caius Cuţaru

A Moment of the Christian – Islamic Inter-Religious Dialogue. The Sirian-Jacobit Patriarch, John I, in Dialogue with the Emire ʼAmr Ibn al-ʼAs (639 d. Hr.)

Teofan Mada

The Methodology of the “Original” Sin and Grace Dogmatics According to Blessed Augustine

Ştefan Negreanu

The Church of Ireland during the Viking Invasions from the 9th – 11th Centuries

Valentin Ilie

The Tzadik: Mystical Behaviour and Community Responsibility

Casian Rușeț

The Living Icon of Christ as A Paradigm of Justice

Vicențiu Românu

Patristic Fundamentals of the Dogmatic Thought of Father Justin Popovitch

Traian Nojea

Contemporary Challenges in Romanian Religious Education: Values – Norms – Legislation


Pr. Josiah B. Trenham, Căsătorie și feciorie în gândirea Sfântului Ioan Gură de Aur, trad. Lucian Filip, Editura Doxologia, Iași, 2016, 353 p.

(Stoienescu Teodor-Daniil)

Georgică Grigoriţă, Sfintele și Dumnezeieștile canoane: între tradiție eclezială și necesitate pastorală. O analiză a izvoarelor teologiei canonice în actualul context ecleziologic, Bucureşti, 2017, 432 p.

(Petru Ursulescu)

Ulrich Rudolph, Islamische Philosophie. Von den Anfängen bis zur Gagenwart (Islamic Philosophy. From Beginning until Today), C.H. Beck, München, 2013, 128 p.,

(Adrian Popa)
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