Vol. 54/ nr. 1 (ian-mar)


St. Constantine the Great and Christianity

Deac. Caius Cutaru, PhD.


Daniel Buda

God of Life lead us to justice and peace. An Orthodox Interpretation of the 10th World Council of Churches (WCC) Assembly Theme from Biblical Perspective

Nicodim Nicolăescu

Ο Ησυχασμός και ο Νεοησυχασμός στη Ρουμανία

Dimitrios Ţelenghidis

Credinţa ortodoxă şi viaţa bisericească

Ioan Tulcan

Beyond the B.E.M. document (Lima 1982). Possible contributions of Orthodoxy to overcoming the ecumenical impasse

Eirini Christinaki-Glarou

Η «εις ύψος αναδρομή» της κκλησιαστικής οικονομίας και η «εξ ύψους συγκατάβαση» της Θείας Οικονομίας στο μυστήριο της Μετανοίας. Η οιονεί ταυτοσημία «οικονομίας» και «διακριτικής ευχέρειας» κατά την εξατομίκευση των επιτιμίων

Constantin Rus

The Diaconate in the Ages of the Apostolic Fathers

Teofan Mada

Spiritual Fatherhood in the Tradition of Desert Fathers

Cristian Petcu

The Sacrament of Confession: Canonical Aspects


The Faculty of Theology „Ilarion V. Felea” Arad – Excellence in the Development of the Orthodox Dogmatic

(Rev. Lucian Farcasiu, PhD.)



Rev. Ph. D. Lucian Farcaşiu, The Theology of the Hymns of the Great Feasts of Our Saviour Jesus Christ – fi xed feast, „Aurel Vlaicu” University Press, Arad, 2012, 460 p.

(Rev. Ph.D. Sorin Cosma)

Stanley E. Porter and Cynthia Long Westfall (eds.) Empire in the New Testament. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2011, Hardback, 305 p. ISBN: 978-1-60899-599-8

(Rev. Ph.D. Adrian Murg)

 Panayotis Nellas, Christ, God`s Justice and our Correctness – for an orthodox soteriology, Deisis, Sibiu 2012, 362 p

(Răzvan Emanuel Fibişan)
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