Author Archive

Vol. 92/ no. 3 (jul.- sept.)


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The Importance of Daily Prayer in Monotheistic Religion

by Rev. Caius Claudius Cuţaru PhD.


Caius Claudius Cuţaru

Religious Mentalities and Attitudes in Times of Pandemic

Lucian Farcaşiu

Supra-Veneration of Theotokos in the Liturgical Services of the Orthodox Church

Teofan Mada

Theology and Spirituality in the Ecclesial Conception of Charles Curran

Cătălin Raiu

Confronting Religion from a Post-Political Perspective. Health Policies during the Covid-19 Pandemic inRomania

Gabriel-Valeriu Basa

Roman Ciorogariu – Director of the Theological-Pedagogical Institute in Arad

Gabriela Radu

The Ruler’s Virtues in the Ekthesis of Agapetus Diaconus

Adrian Murg

Christian Life as Warfare, according to Ephesians 6, 10-20

Florin-Ioan Gașpar

A View on the Orthodox Neopatristics of the Second Half of the Twentieth Century. Consequences andInsufficiencies

Alexandru Lazar

The Politico-Dogmatic Stage of the Apocatastasis’ Condemnation. Post-synodal Perspectives136


†Damaschin Dorneanu, Vicar Bishop of the Archdiocese of Suceava and Rădăuți, Dimensiunea mistagogică aSăptămânii Sfintelor Pătimiri. Elemente de antropologie duhovnicească (The Mystagogic Dimension of the Holy and GreatWeek. Elements of Spiritual Anthropology), Crimca Publishing House, Suceava, 2022, 863 pp.

(Lucian Farcașiu)

Academician preot profesor universitar doctor Mircea Păcurariu (1932- 2021) – o viață pusă în slujba lui Dumnezeu și a neamului românesc, Editura Renașterea, Cluj Napoca și editura Episcopiei Devei și Hunedoarei, Deva, 2021, coordonatori: † Gurie Georgiu, preot Florin Dobrei, 384 pp.

(Gabriel-Valeriu Basa)

Patrick Schreiner, Matthew, Disciple and Scribe: The First Gospel and Its Portrait of Jesus, BakerAcademic, Grand Rapids, 2019, xiv + 289 pp.

(Adrian Murg)


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Vol. 91/ no. 2 (apr.-june)


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Knoweledge of God as Vision, according to St. Gregory Palamas

(Rev. Adrian Murg)


Vasile Vlad 

The Body When Praying

Vasile Cristescu 

The Death and Resurrection of Christ in the Rejection of Apollinarism by Saint Gregory of Nyssa

Vasile Doru Fer 

The Holy Scripture and the Access through It to the Dynamics and Dimension of Religious Education of Young People 

Ştefan Negreanu 

The Work of the Church in Scotland During the First Christian Millennium

Nicolae M. Tang 

Theology and Confession in the Apologies of Saint Justin the Martyr and the Philosopher

Alexandru Nicoară 

The Divine Homotimy between the Two Sexes

Mihail K. Qaramah 

Prayers and Rites for the Home, according to the Ancient Byzantine and Slavo-Romanian Euchologia

Damian Buchiu 

Expounding the Teachings of Faith in Sermons


Ierothéos, Mitropolit al Nafpaktosului, Hainele de piele. Viaţa, bolile, bătrâneţea, moartea şi ceasul morţii (Garments of Skin. Life, Illnesses, Old Age, Death and the Hour of Death) – traducere din limba greacă Protosinghel Teofan Munteanu, Editura Sophia, Bucureşti, 2022, 336 pp. 

(Rev. Lect. Dr. Ştefan Negreanu)

Cuviosul Iosif Isihastul, Simţirea iubirii dumnezeieşti – scrisori şi poezii (Feeling the Divine Love – Letters and Poems)– traducere de Pr. Prof. Constantin Coman and Sabin Preda, Editura Bizantină, Bucureşti, 2020, 608 pp. 

(Ph.D. student Ionuţ Mîlcomete)

Archimandrite Efrem of Vatopedi, Elder Joseph of Vatopedi – A Smile from Eternity, Bonifacio Publishing House, Romania, 2021, 607 pp. 

(Ph.D. student Ionuţ Mîlcomete) 


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Vol. 90/ no. 1 (ian.-mar.)


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Prayer – the Necessity of Man’s Dialog with God

Rev. Prof. Ioan Tulcan, PhD.


Nestor Dinculeană

History, Culture and Spirituality of the Ancient Biblical Peoples of the Transjordan Area

Jerzy Ostapczuk

The Number of Days in the Menologia of the Cyrillic Tetraevangelia Issued in the 16th Century in the Middle-Bulgarian Redaction of the Church Slavonic Language as Basis for their Division into Groups

Vasile Creţu

The Public Communication’s Actions and the Religious Practice in the Christian Churches during the Pandemic

Cătălina Mititelu

On the “Concordat Marriage” and its Legal Regime Considerations and Assessments

Florin Dobrei

Churches, Peoples, Places and Habits from the Once upon a Time Banat Highland

Lucian Vasile Petroaia

The Issue of Burying Unbaptized Babies, in the Orthodox Church

Teofan Mada

Magisterium and Theological Revisionism

Rafael Povîrnaru

Vocation and Priestly Service According to Romanian Liturgist Ene Branişte

Ioan Popa-Bota

The Tree of Life: A Hymnological and Iconic Perspective of Life


Anastasimatarul arădean alcătuit după notaţiile muzicale ale lui Trifon Lugojan de Constanţa Cristescu, Eurostampa Publ., Timişoara, 2021, 515 pp

(Pr. Stelian Ionaşcu)

Romanian Modernity – Historical, Cultural and Theological Paradigms, Romanian Academy, Center for Transylvanian Studies, Supllement no. 1 of “Transylvanian Review”, Cluj-Napoca, year XXX, 2021, 314 p.

(Rev. Florin Dobrei)

Ucenicii lui Evagrie, Capete filocalice (EVAGRIUS’ DISCIPLES, Philocalic Texts), Traducere, introducere, note şi comentarii Ieromonah Agapie Corbu, Ediţie bilingvă, Editura Sf. Nectarie, Arad, 2020, ISBN: 978-606-8840-15-4, XLVI+283 pp.

(Protosyngellos Lect. dr. Nicolae M. Tang)


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Vol. 89/no. 4 (oct.-dec.)


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Authors list


The Romanian Diaspora – A Sign of the Nation’s Suffering and a Chance to Confess Orthodoxy in the World

(Rev. Caius CUȚARU)


†Emilian CRIŞANUL, Vicar Bishop of the Diocese of Arad

Holy Brâncoveanu Martyrs – Model of Sacrifi ce and Supporters of Christian Culture

† Nestor DINCULEANĂ, Bishop of Deva and Hunedoara

Elements of Old Jewish History and Culture

Daniel BUDA

Der aktuelle Dialog zwischen den östlich-orthodoxen und orientalisch orthodoxen Kirchen. Die offi ziellen gemeinsamen Erklärunge und ihre Folgen


The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Current Theological Debate. The Contribution of Father Dumitru Stăniloae


A Lesser Known and Hotly Debated Hagiographic Episode in the Life of St. John of Damascus


History and Evolution of Funeral Services in the Orthodox Church

Vasile-Doru FER

Paradigms and Principles of Religious Education Highlighted in the Holy Gospels. Their Relevance, Perspectives and Challenges in Contemporary Society

Teofan MADA

The Function of Moral Conscience in Patristic Theology


The Sacrifi ce of Isaac – Acknowledgement of a Biblical Typology in the Homilies and Commentaries of the Eastern Church Fathers


Césaire D’ARLES, OEuvres conciliaires avec commentaries, préface de Mgr Christophe Dufour, trad. franç. Yves Lefauconnier, Venelles, Éditions Aux sources de la Provence, 2020, 265 pp.

(Pr. Prof. dr. Constantin RUS)

Anthony KALDELLIS, Romanland: Ethnicity and Empire in Byzantium, Harvard University Press, 2019, 392 pp

(Rev. Ph.D. Traian NOJEA)

Gabriel BUNGE, The Practice of Personal Prayer according to the Tradition of the Holy Fathers, Deisis Publishing House, Sibiu, 2021, 246 pp.

(Rev. Ph.D. student Flavius-Alexandru LAZĂR)


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Vol. 88/ no. 3 (jul.-sept.)


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Authors list


Freedom of Expression and Faith – Dilemmas and Essences of the Rule of Law – International Symposium, May 25/ 2021

(Editor – Rev. dr. Cosmin PANŢURU)     


Patriciu VLAICU

Les principes qui sous-tendent les relations entre l’Église et l’État dans l’Union européenne en lien avec les réalités socio-culturelles spécifiques

Irimie MARGA

Thoughts on the Religious Freedom in Romania (a Few Reflections on the Margin of the Law on Religious Denominations)


La liberté religieuse et ses limites dans la jurisprudence de la Cour Européenne des Droits de l’Homme. La pensée juridique dans une société démocratique

Emilian-Iustinian ROMAN

Religious Freedom in the Current Pandemic Context. A Case Study: the Pilgrimage to Iaşi

Răzvan PERȘA

Religious Freedom in the Romanian People’s Republic at the Beginning of the Establishment of the Totalitarian Communist Regime. A Legal and Canonical Approach


Religious Freedom – The Obligation to Respect the Rights. Its Image in the Canonical Orthodox Tradition


Freedom of Conscience. Legal and Religious Implications. Exceptional Situations


Legal Challenges Regarding the Content of the Sermon of the Orthodox Worship

Daniel ALIC

The Religious Freedom of the Orthodox Romanians in Banat during the Great War


The Law of Discrimination in European and Romanian State Legislation and Its (Un)Applicability in the Orthodox Worship


Cosmin PANȚURU, Patrimoniul bisericesc al satului românesc. Studiu de caz: Parohia Mintia – Filia Bejan, Partoş Publishing House, Timişoara – Centru de Studii Banatice Vârşeț-Serbia, 2019, 314 pp

(Fr. Lect. Dr. Emilian-Iustinian ROMAN)

Pr. prof. dr. Florin DOBREI, Dobra (jud. Hunedoara) – file de cronică bisericească (Dobra, Hunedoara County – Church Chronicle Pages), Editura Publishing House, Stockholm / Editura Episcopiei Devei și Hunedoarei, 2020, 414 pp.

(Fr. Lect. Dr. Cosmin PANŢURU)

Pr. Gabriel-Viorel GÂRDAN, Pr. Emilian-Iustinian ROMAN, Pr. Ioan COZMA, Căsătoria şi familia. Izvoare legislative bisericeşti şi laice (sec. XX-XXI), volumul II, Doxologia, Iaşi, 2020, 654 pp

(Fr. Lect. Dr. Cosmin PANŢURU)


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