Vol. 46/ no. 1 (ian-mar)



Ioan Tulcan

The Sacrament of Baptism – the Sacrament of rebirth and renewal in the Church


Despina D. Prassas

St. John Chrysostom’s Homily 50 on Matthew: A Systematic Theology for Today

Dimitrios Tselengidis

“Folgend den Heiligen Vätern“ Ein Vorschlag von diachronischem Charakter für die dogmatische Lehre der Kirche. Die theologischen Voraussetzungen und die Kriterien der dogmatischen Lehre der Kirche

Assaad Elias Kattan

Die Kirche, die den Vorsitz in der Liebe führt

Daniel Munteanu

Dogma and Culture. Main Contribution of the Orthodox Faith to Public Theology

Constantin Rus

The Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches – two decades from its publication. Some canonical remarks

Iulian Mihai L. Constantinescu

Quelques aspects généraux concernant les empêchements au mariage dans l’Eglise Orthodoxe Roumaine

Christoph Tapernoux

The Special Commission on Orthodox Participation in the World Council of Churches (WCC) – Background of a Process as Refl ected in some Contributions by Father I. Bria: (9 March 2009 – Quotations of Fr Bria’s in italics – other emphases put by Ch.T.)



– Joint communiqué of the 6th Russian-Iranian Commission for Islam-Orthodoxy Dialogue

– Meeting of the Inter-Orthodox Preparatory Commission (Chambesy, 22-26 February 2011)

– Inter-Orthodox Consultation in Cyprus (2-9 March 2011)



Valeriu Anania, Memories, Polirom, Bucharest, 2008, 692p.

(Rev. Nicu Breda)

Păcurariu Mircea, The Romanian Theological Culture. Brief historical overview, “Basilica” Press, Bucharest, 2011, 311 p.

(Florin Dobrei)

Rev. Ph. D. Nicolae Razvan Stan- The Orthodox Church and human’s rights. Paradigms, foundations, implications, Universul Juridic, Bucharest, 2010, 370 p.

(Cristinel Ioja)

Konstantin V. Zorin – Rise up and walk: steps to get well, Sofia,Bucharest, 2009, 310 p.

(Rev. Ştefan Negreanu)

Cristinel Ioja, Homo economicus Iisus Hristos, sensul creaţiei şi insufi cienţele purului biologism (trad: Homo Economicus. Jesus Christ, the Meaning of Creation and the Defi ciencies of Pure Biologism), Editura Marineasa, Timişoara, 2010, 335 p.

(Rev. Filip Albu)

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