Vol. 57/ no. 4 (oct.-dec.)

CONTENTS   (here)


The religious man as a total man

(Deac. Phd. Caius Cuţaru)


Bish. Nicodim Nicolaescu

The Perpetual Virginity of Theotokos (Aeiparthene-Virgo Perpetua)

Grigorios D. Papathomas

Christianity and Human Rights before and after the Canon 8/VIIth.

The Christian and the „other”, the „any other” (Gal 5: 15)

Viorel Sava

Participation at the Divine Liturgy – personal necessity and ecclesial
event – in the theological reflection of Father Professor Ene Braniste

Eva Maria Synek

1700 Jahre „Mailander Vereinbarung”

Viorel Cristian Popa

Some Interests of Saint Basil the Great in the Old Testament

Emilian-Iustinian Roman

Roman and Christian Law. Reminiscences of the Roman legal

order in Eastern Church legislation

Iulian Mihai L. Constantinescu

The Interpretation of Canon 3 of the 1st Ecumenical Synod

in Nicaea (325) and Its Actuality in the Life of the Church

Dorina Popescu

Stefan Augustin Doinas – Between Faith and Reason or outline

for a Poiesis of the Psalms

Cosmin Santi

Ontological Dimension of Death in the Light of the Orthodox Hymnographi

Daniel Buda

Aspects of Demonology in the text „On The Belly-Myther”
of Endor by St. Eustatius of Antioch


Graham Stanton, Studies in Matthew and Early Christianity (edited by Markus Bockmuehl and David Lincicum), Wissenschaftliche Untersuc-hungen zum Neuen Testament 309, Mohr Siebeck, Tubingen, 2013, 483 p. ISBN 978-3-16-152583-8

(Rev. Ph.D. Daniel Buda)

 Bishop Daniel Stoenescu, Epicleses – Thoughts, Reflections, Meditations, Invierea Publishing House, Vrsac, 2012, 316 p.

(Rev. PhD. Sorin Cosma)

 PhD. Rev. Florin Dobrei, The Theological Journal „Altarul (Mitropolia) Banatului (1944-1947, 1951-2011) – Monographic Highlights, Romanian Academy, Centre for Transylvanian Studies, Invierea Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca – Timisoara, 2013, 719 p.

(Rev. PhD. Sorin Cosma)

Jean-Claude Larchet, L’Eglise corps du Christ I. Nature et structure, (trad. Church Christ’s Body. I. Nature and structure), Les Editions du Cerf, Paris, 2012, 255 p.

(Ph. D. student Ioan V. Geoldes)

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